Autoimmune disease is an inflammatory disorder in which the body's own immune system attacks normal cells. This disease can cause decreased and abnormal immunity, which ultimately leads to tissue damage or organ dysfunction. It can be divided into organ-specific autoimmune diseases and systemic autoimmune disease based on clinical manifestations.
View DetailsOsteoarthritis (OA) is also known as osteoarthrosis, senile arthritis, degenerative arthritis, and hypertrophic arthritis. Osteoarthritis is a chronic joint disease characterized by articular cartilage degeneration and secondary bone hyperplasia. Other features include progressive cartilage degradation, subchondral bone reconstruction, loss of joint space, formation of marginal callus, and loss of joint function. The disease is more common among middle-aged and older populations, and the number of female patients is bigger than male patients. Articular cartilage lesions and synovial lesions, joint swelling, and joint deformities are main causes for restricted activity of the elderly.
View Details据2017年的文献报道,我国成人糖尿病患病率超过10%,在中国就有上亿糖尿病患,糖尿病已成为影响我国居民健康的重大公共卫生问题之一。在我国糖尿病患者中,90%以上为2型糖尿病。2型糖尿病发病机制复杂,中老年人,肥胖者发病率高。2型糖尿病更易引发肾、神经、视网膜病变,2型糖尿病患者还易发生心、脑、肾、足或肢体血管动脉硬化性病变。当前的治疗手段包括饮食控制、运动治疗、口服降糖药、注射胰岛素等,口服降糖药和注射胰岛素总的来讲都是作用于特定靶点,“开源节流”控制血糖水平,但这些药物对人体组织器官并没有修复作用,不能从根本上根治糖尿病。 随着生物学研究的进展,干细胞对人体的修复作用逐渐被科学家证明并被医生认可,临床研究开始尝试使用干细胞治疗各种组织损伤或退行性病变引起的疾病,并取得了很好的效果,目前全球已经有约14种干细胞药品获得政府批准。全球干细胞治疗糖尿病的临床试验和研究超过160项,仅中国就有30多项,其中异体间充质干细胞研究较多。部分研究显示,使用间充质干细胞治疗的糖尿病患者口服降糖药和胰岛素用量大大降低,胰岛素抵抗得到缓解,安全性有效性得到了初步验证。 干细胞治疗糖尿病有两种方式,一种是利用自体多能干细胞体外诱导分化成为胰岛β细胞,然后移植到胰岛组织,胰岛β细胞定植后发挥正常胰岛功能从而改善病情,另一种是回输自体或者异体间充质干细胞、造血干细胞等,输入的干细胞归巢并修复受损组织,包括胰岛组织,同时发挥免疫调节作用,改善胰岛高炎症状态,从而一定程度上改善病情。 Stemedica已在哈萨克斯坦开展骨髓间充质干细胞治疗2型糖尿病的III临床研究。
View DetailsLung Injury Caused by COVID-19
A severe clinical manifestation of COVID-19 is rapidly developing acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), a serious immune and inflammatory disease characterized by extensive pulmonary inflammation. Since the outbreak of COVID-19 epidemic, multiple studies treating COVID-19 with MSCs have been carried out at home and abroad.
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