Clinical study


Beijing Tiantan Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University

Beijing Tiantan Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University is Class 3A comprehensive teaching hospital specializing in neurosurgery, and one of the three neurosurgical research centers in the world. Tiantan Hospital is home to China National Clinical Research Center for Neurological Diseases, China’s biggest clinical research platform in the field of neurological diseases.

Jiuzhitang Maker and Tiantan Hospital signed the Agreement on Co-Construction of A Stem Cells Clinical Research Base in 2018. The two sides will continuously push forward stem cell-related clinical studies under this agreement.

On January 12, 2021, China’s first phase I/IIa clinical trial (ASSIST) using an imported stem cell product to treat ischemic stroke was officially launched. This is the first study on stem cell therapy for cerebrovascular disease that will be run in accordance with the current Good Clinical Practice since the country started to regulate stem cells as a drug. It bears great significance to promoting the clinical application of stem cells in treatment of cerebrovascular diseases and bringing about changes to the regulation system on stem cell products.

